FemtoFBGLaser workstation for fiber bragg gratings writing

FemtoFBG is a laser micromachining workstation optimized for fiber Bragg gratings (FBG) writing.

It is developed for scientific laboratories, R&D centers, and industrial clients working with fiber lasers, distributed sensors, and telecommunications.

Femtosecond FBG writing is a proven technology for universal Bragg Gratings writing in various optical fibers, including not UV-sensitized fibers.

The main advantage of the femtosecond laser writing unlimited length or structure of Bragg grating is not using a phase mask. Femtosecond lasers can be applied for Point-by-Point (PbP) and Line-by-Line (LbL) for up to 2nd order FBGs writing in various optical fibers, including multicore fibers. The smallest pitch in PbP writing is ~1 µm.

​​Femtosecond FBG writing using a phase mask enables long-term modifications that are impossible with Excimer lasers.

Main features

  • Direct writing (point-by-point, line-by-line, plane-by-plane)
  • Precise reflection/transmission spectrum control
  • Direct writing without immersion oil
  • Ultra-long FBGs
  • Apodized Bragg Gratings
  • Variety of optical fibers (single-mode, dual-cladding, multi-core, etc.)
  • Femtosecond FBG writing with a phase mask


  • Professional
    Every workstation is built for accurate process control using leading hardware solutions
  • Easy-to-use
    The system is designed for a simplified FBG writing process
  • Flexible
    A single system can be used for different FBG writing techniques
  • Full Support
    We will install the workstation at your premises and train your team
  • References
    Our systems are installed in a diverse range of businesses, research universities, and organizations
  • 1 Year Warranty
    And after-warranty service


Micromachining technologies Direct laser writing Direct laser writing,
Mask writing
The system can include fiber drilling, marking, and other functionalities
Laser Single-wavelength Dual-wavelength
Design wavelengths/wavelengths can be chosen, including integration of the customer’s provided laser source
FBG writing options Point-by-Point (PbP) writing,
Line-by-Line (LbL) writing,
Apodized gratings
Point-by-Point (PbP) writing,
Line-by-Line (LbL) writing,
Apodized gratings, FBGs are written using a phase mask
Optional interferometric technique
Fibers Single-mode fibers,
multicore fibers
Maximum fiber diameter 1 mm Customer’s choice
Customer’s choice
Maximum working range 50x50x5 50x100x35
Up to 300×300
Flat samples processing Included Included
Fiber core autofocus Digital Digital
Fiber tension control Included
Holder designed according to individual requirements
Polarization control  – Motorized
Motorized Linear Polarization rotation, Circular, Elliptical, Azimuthal, other
Writing With positioning system With positioning system and/or scanning unit
Positioning and scanning units can be chosen by the customer
Power control Integrated external control Integrated external control
Option for real-time pulse energy measurement
Vibration control Passive Antivibration isolation

FBG writing benefits vs. other methods

  • Writing through the cladding – no need to strip the fibers before FBG inscription.
  • All fiber types – no need for UV photosensitivity.
  • Easy process tuning for different gratings – the mask is not required.
  • Nearly no system maintenance costs compared to excimer laser-based system.
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Femto systems OU
Kivi str. 5-402, Johvi, Estonia

E-mail: [email protected]